More info

Here are a few resources to learn more.


The UK in a changing Europe

Fact Check EU


‘What country friends, is this?’ A guide to the EU Referendum debate from Bath University


Richard Corbett, Labour MEP, is doing a great job of explaining the issues on his website and in his free app.

The EU scorecard produced annually by British Influence which shows progress made or otherwise on different issues in the EU by the British.

Gordon Brown Britain: Leading not Leaving

The UK government is advocating a Stay vote. here is their leaflet.

InFacts Myth-busting website reacting to errors as they are made

Blimey It could be Brexit! A Creative Commons book being written as the campaign progresses

From the UK Government

Rights and Obligations of European Union Membership

Why the Government believes that voting to remain is the best decision for the UK

Alternatives to membership: possible models for the UK outside the EU

From the EU

The EU has been informing EU citizens about what it does and how for many years. The best option is to visit its Teachers Corner. Here is a selection:

Europe: A journal for Young People

Europe in 12 Lessons

How the European Union works


An app called Eurosceptic by Daniel Hannan.  The first chapter is called ‘After we leave – making Britain great again’ which does not exactly resonate well with me given what’s going on over the pond.

‘Flexcit: The Market Solution to Leaving the EU’ by Richard A E North 2016 Available free here.

Vote Leave 

The Trouble with Europe‘ by Roger Bootle 2015


Peter North 

Richard North

Ben Kelly


Balance of Competences

The UK government did an unusual thing in 2011 by commissioning a series of in-depth reports on the main aspects of the UK’s membership of the EU.  It is unusual in that few other EU member states have done the same. These were prepared during 2012-2014 and are available in their entirety here. The reports cover all the main issues such as agriculture, fisheries, migration, the Single Market, Human Rights and many more. The main purpose of the reports was to evaluate whether the balance of powers between the EU and the UK were appropriate. The final conclusion is of course mixed but on balance that the distribution of powers is about right with a need for change at the margins.

Warning! Long (but that is what such a complicated issue as the EU merits to do a thorough job).